how does an Australian watch the khamzat whitaker fight

hay ive never watched a live ufc event but i wanna watch this. whats the cheapest way? so far my only option seems to be PPV 60$ aud on kayosports? is there any cheaper options or is that basically the only way ? also if i dont decide to watch ppv, how long till i can watch it on say youtube or sumthing? do ppl usually upload the fights in chopped version straight after? submitted by /u/slifer3 [link] [comments]

hay ive never watched a live ufc event but i wanna watch this. whats the cheapest way? so far my only option seems to be PPV 60$ aud on kayosports? is there any cheaper options or is that basically the only way ?

also if i dont decide to watch ppv, how long till i can watch it on say youtube or sumthing? do ppl usually upload the fights in chopped version straight after?

submitted by /u/slifer3
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