It's a pre-free agency book giveaway weekend
It's the calm before the storm.

It's the calm before the storm. Or the storm before the storm.
Regardless, free agency starts on Monday at noon ET. There likely will be plenty of news this weekend regarding the moves to come — signing, terminations, trades. We'll have all of it here.
As you wait for more football-related developments, it's a great two days to rip through Father of Mine (if you haven't read it) or Son of Mine (if you've read Father of Mine and concluded it wasn't caca). Both can be purchased in ebook form on Amazon for the ridiculously low price of 99 cents.
I can't make it any cheaper than that. And you can't find anything else for only 99 cents. Not even a candy bar.
A candy bar is gone in a couple of minutes, or faster. A good book lasts a hell of a lot longer. Even if you read it all in one sitting, it takes a few hours, at a minimum. That's a decent amount of entertainment for 99 cents.
Why did I slash the price on all three novels to 99 cents as of January 1? In school, they made us read books. We hated it. The idea of doing it now brings back bad memories of procrastinating until the night before the book report was due and then going to the store and buying the CliffsNotes and cobbling together something that was good but not too good to raise any suspicions. (It was still better than relying on Kramer’s synopsis of the misadventures of the unbridledly enthusiastic Billy Mumphrey.)
That experience makes it hard as an adult to associate "reading" with "fun." But it is. At least, it can be — if you're reading the right books.
Most of us like a good mob movie. A good mob book creates the same experience. The words on the page make it come to life in your brain. You picture the characters, the action, the dialogue.
Give it a try. There's no football on TV this weekend to distract you. Ninety-nine cents for Father of Mine. And Son of Mine. And, if you're in the mood for a Christmas story, On Our Way Home is 99 cents, too.
If you've made it this far, here's how to get a free hard copy of any one of them. Send an email to with this subject line: "3/8/25 Book Giveaway." I'll pick a winner once the first wave of free agency dies down and ship it out.
Until then, it's 99 cents for any of the three. Do it now. Start with Father of Mine. And if you buy it and if you read it and if you genuinely hate it (and if you can persuade me that you actually read it), I'll send you a $1 bill.
If you read it and you genuinely like it, get Son of Mine. And then get ready for the third one, which is almost done and will hopefully be available sooner than later.