Nylander, Tavares dominate as Maple Leafs down Flyers
The William Nylander-John Tavares connection paid some serious dividends on Tuesday.

The William Nylander-John Tavares connection paid some serious dividends on Tuesday.
The linemates combined for four goals and eight points (two goals, four points each) to lead the Toronto Maple Leafs to a dominant 7-2 win over the Philadelphia Flyers.
With his two goals, Nylander became the first Maple Leaf to eclipse 40 goals this season.
Bobby McMann, the third in their trio, also added a goal and an assist, while Matthew Knies finished with two assists.
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Ryan Poehling opened the scoring in the first period as the Flyers took an early lead, but Philadelphia wasn’t able to garner any momentum against the red-hot Leafs. Sean Couturier scored in the second period.
David Kampf and Max Domi also scored for the Maple Leafs, as Toronto potted seven in a game for the first time since Jan. 18.
Scott Laughton was held off the score sheet as he faced his former team for the first time.
More to come.