One NFL team has proposed banning the tush push

In the days leading up to Super Bowl LIX, Fox rules analyst Mike Pereira said that he thinks the league might take a look at banning the tush push this offseason and at least one team would like them to do that.

One NFL team has proposed banning the tush push

In the days leading up to Super Bowl LIX, Fox rules analyst Mike Pereira said that he thinks the league might take a look at banning the tush push this offseason and at least one team would like them to do that.

NFL executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent told reporters on Monday that one team has proposed a ban on the play that the Eagles have perfected over the last few seasons. Vincent did not name the team or share any other details about the proposal.

It's not the first time that there have been calls to eliminate the play, which features two players pushing the quarterback from behind to pick up first downs or touchdowns, but there has been no proposal from the NFL Competition Committee to address it. Committee chairman Rich McKay said it did not come up in Sunday's meeting either.

If this proposal does proceed to a vote of league owners, there would need to be 24 votes in favor of it for any rule change to be adopted.