UFC fighter that used Vicks vapor rub to blind opponents?

On a recent Joe Rogan podcast, probably the more plates more dates, and if not that it was the sheriff of Baghdad, both had a lot of discussion, Rogan talked about having firsthand knowledge of a UFC fighter that would put Vicks on their chest and try to clench and opponent, causing blindness, anyone know who this is? The only thing I can remember is Phil nurse smearing Vaseline all over GSP‘s chest between rounds. submitted by /u/TheFireOfPrometheus [link] [comments]

On a recent Joe Rogan podcast, probably the more plates more dates, and if not that it was the sheriff of Baghdad, both had a lot of discussion, Rogan talked about having firsthand knowledge of a UFC fighter that would put Vicks on their chest and try to clench and opponent, causing blindness, anyone know who this is? The only thing I can remember is Phil nurse smearing Vaseline all over GSP‘s chest between rounds.

submitted by /u/TheFireOfPrometheus
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