Update On Jeff Hardy's AEW Contract

Update On Jeff Hardy's AEW Contract
By: MMA & Boxing Posted On: April 29, 2024 View: 70

Jeff Hardy’s AEW deal is up much sooner than expected.

When Jeff Hardy signed with All Elite Wrestling years ago, we’d reported that it was done in a way that Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy’s deals matched up. However, that is no longer the case. But they’re not far off.

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Matt Hardy appeared in TNA on April 20 after allowing his contract to expire, but reiterated that he's a free agent. His deal actually expired in March, but was extended a couple of weeks past WrestleMania weekend.

Originally, it was believed that AEW had extended Jeff Hardy’s deal into 2025 due to injury and sabbatical time. As of late March, that wasn’t the case. At that period, Hardy’s deal was set to expire sometime in the Spring, based on what Jeff Hardy told other talent at recent conventions.

AEW could likely extend the time on the deal.

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